Announcing Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-to Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook
Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-to Guide for Creating and Launching

Announcing Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-to Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook

Last Updated on June 8, 2022 by David Wogahn

Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-to Guide for Creating and Launching [Note: this book is now available]

I am pleased to announce that I am releasing a new book titled Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-To Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook in October 2012. It is written for self-publishers—individuals or businesses—who wish to produce quality eBooks for sale on The book is divided into seven sections, each containing 3 to 11 topics; 42 topics in all. Sections cover eBook basics, planning, creating your eBook and distributing your Kindle eBook to online bookstores. There is also a 7-topic section covering basic book-launch tactics.

Even if you hire someone to help you, knowing the details of producing an eBook will increase the odds of your success and likely save you time and money.

Successful eBook Publishing distills my three years of recent experience speaking and consulting with self-published authors on the topics of eBook development, conversion, distribution and marketing within the broader context of my 25+ years in technology and publishing management. The book is a no-nonsense guide covering all the relevant issues and decisions self-publishers are likely to encounter on the path to getting their book published.

Successful eBook Publishing also includes five guest topics written by notable experts. Each article provides expert guidance and key resources every self-publisher, regardless of experience level, will find useful.

  • Topic 34: Editing for Success by Lynette Smith
  • Topic 35: Cloud-based eBook Drafting and Conversion an interview with David Welton
  • Topic 36: Publicity Is Different from Marketing by Julia Drake
  • Topic 37: Author Websites: From the Must-Haves to the Most Common Mistakes by Karin A. Bilich
  • Topic 38: For the Time or Writing Challenged an interview with Heather Hummel

And finally some good news for those self-publishers who want to learn about eBook publishing but still enjoy (or prefer) using a paper book: Successful eBook Publishing will be available in both print and eBook editions. We recognize that not all self-publishers are avid eBook readers or you may simply prefer the portability and handy reference nature print has to offer. Both editions are professionally produced following the advice in this book, naturally.

There are plenty of books about making money with eBooks. There are lots of books that try to cover all the bases. However, if you are interested in self-publishing and looking for one how-to resource guide to get you started selling in the largest eBook store in the world, Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-To Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook is the one book you need to own.

Available from Also available from the publisher in different formats.

[schema type=”book” url=”” name=”Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-to Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook” description=”Successful eBook Publishing is a complete how-to instruction guide for planning, designing, formatting, converting and distributing Kindle eBooks. Whether the reader plans to do it on their own, or hire experts, this comprehensive reference contains everything needed to go from idea to the Kindle shelf. Available in Kindle eBook and 6″x9″ paperback (160 pages), it covers 42 topics in 7 sections including how to take your eBook to the eShelves of Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo.” author=”David Wogahn” publisher=”Sellbox” edition=”First edition” isbn=”978-0615710730″ ebook=”yes” paperback=”yes” ]

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